The following is what was received from another club that was very successful. We will be trying this but be warned that there may not be an opportunity for any warranties. The OGC is not responsible if your purchase does not survive. You must also order and pay for your purchases as directed. You must be able to collect your purchases when they are delivered as we cannot store them or plant them for you. As of yet there are no firm details as Trees for Life is still preparing the link. Please keep checking back and do check out their website. A link will be placed here when it becomes available. Greg Merlin
Trees for Life is offering the opportunity for your societies to order trees.
Details provided below.
The project is being coordinated through a Trees for Life and District 7 contact at U of Guelph, the grower, and a partnership development rep from Trees for Life.
Cindy Scythes
Past District 5 Director and coordinator for the 2023 partnership with Trees for Life.
Trees for Life Project 2023
Trees for Life Project for District 17 (OHA)
Background on Trees for Life
Trees for Life plans to plant millions of the right trees in the right place over the next 10 years to have the biggest impact on the climate and to support Canada’s 2 Billion Tree Program. They are planting native trees and shrubs in order to support the local biodiversity and ecosystems. Our birds and pollinators depend on native species for their food and shelter. Populations decrease in these species when native species aren’t available. That’s why we only plant native trees and shrubs.
Your opportunity to buy trees this year
OHA District 17 is encouraging their societies to order trees this year to support tree planting for this worthy project.
- Trees are being offered to Societies in District 17 right now.
- The trees are ordered directly from Trees for Life using the Trees for Life portal (provided below). You will be asked for your Society name (I did not see a prompt for Society when I went through the form) and your district number. (Durham Master Gardeners, please indicate D17).
- The cost of the trees is $30. (I was advised that administration costs were higher than originally planned upon which is why there is the difference from the original email.)
- There are a limited number of trees available (first come, first served).
- The deadline for ordering trees is August 31, 2023.
- Trees can be purchased for individuals to plant on their own properties, or with permission, in public areas.
- Trees will be delivered in September.
- Delivery for all District 17 trees will be to a single location in central Durham Region. Pick-up happens on the day they are delivered. Please ask a friend to pick up if you are not available, or we will do our best to accommodate for anyone not able to pick up that day.
- Some tree heights are 4 ft. – to help with choosing the vehicle you bring.
- Trees are delivered without pots, so you may need to bring some at pick up.
- Trees will be labelled by tree name.
- We will ask you to bring a copy of your receipt from Trees For Life as proof of purchase and to make sure your order is filled properly.
The Trees for Life portal is officially live your orders.
The portal link is
Just click on the tree you want to order and it will start your cart.
Just click on the tree you want to order to start your cart.
Note this portal is not publically available from the Trees for Life website.
The list of trees :
List of Trees Available to Purchase
Acer rubrum | Red Maple | 1 Gallon | Tree Red | 3-4′ |
Acer saccharinumum | Silver maple | 1 Gallon | Tree Silver | 4-5′ |
Amelanchier canadensis | Canadian Service Berry | 1 Gallon | shrub | 2′ |
Acer saccharum | Sugar Maple | 1 Gallon | Tree sugar | 3-4′ |
Betula papyifera | Paper birch | 1 Gallon | Tree | 4′ |
Celtis occidentalis | Hackberry | 1 Gallon | Tree | 4′ |
Larix laricina | Tamarack | 1 Gallon | Tree | 4′ |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Tulip tree | 1 Gallon | Tree | 3-4′ |
Pinus strobus | White pine | 1 Gallon | Tree | 18″ – 24″ |
Quercus bicolor | Swamp white oak | 1 Gallon | Tree | 3-4′ |
Quercus alba | white oak | 1 Gallon | Tree | 3-4′ |
Quercus rubra | Red oak | 1 Gallon | Tree | 3-4′ |
Quercus macrocarpa | Bur oak | 1 Gallon | Tree | 3-4′ |
Thuja occ. nigra | Black Cedar | 1 Gallon | Tree | 18″ – 24″ |
Ulmus Triumph | Elm | 1 Gallon | tree pot | 3-4′ |
Trees for Life plans to plant millions of the right trees in the right place over the next 10 years to have the biggest impact on the climate and to support Canada’s 2 Billion Tree Program. They are planting native trees and shrubs in order to support the local biodiversity and ecosystems. Our birds and pollinators depend on native species for their food and shelter. Populations decrease in these species when native species aren’t available. That’s why they only plant native trees and shrubs. https://
A pilot project for this these trees was implemented last year with Districts 5, 7, and 15. Over 800 trees were ordered last year.
Trees for Life would like to open the opportunity to order trees to OHA Districts 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 16, 17, and 19, for 2023.
Note this is not an OHA project, but OHA districts are being made this offer as trees are likely to be of interest to member societies. Anyone in your district may coordinate this project.
The cost of the trees is $25 each.
The trees are ordered directly from Trees for Life in May on the Trees for Life portal. A special link is created for OHA orders.
Trees will be delivered in September.
Delivery will be to a single location for District or area, depending on how many trees are ordered. For example, there were 3 drop off sites for District 7 last year.
Trees are delivered without pots, so will need some shelter and water. Trees will be labelled by species. So when delivered will need to be sorted by order.
Trees can be purchased for individuals to plant on their own properties, or with permission, in public areas. Condos with gardens often order these trees.
The trees are all grown in a 1 gallon special root pruning pot
· heights vary, the tallest tree size would be 3’ to 5’ – this was important for people to get them into their vehicles