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The Gardener’s Pledge

The Gardener’s Pledge

I pledge, as a Garden Club Member, to faithfully protect from waste and destruction, the natural resources of our country; its flora, fauna, soil, water, air; and to respect human life and all living things sacred to the preservation of our environment.

Hearth Place Gardens Project

Hearth Place Gardens Project

Hearth Place is a cancer support centre in Oshawa that serves all of Durham Region. It receives no government funding and relies on donations from benefactors and fund raising initiatives. Every Friday morning from late April until the end of October, a dedicated group of 

New Land Acknowledgement

New Land Acknowledgement

The Garden Club recently adopted a new land acknowledgement pledge as part of the Gardener’spledge. The new land acknowledgement pledge is: I come with respect for this land that I am on today,and for the people who have and do reside here byacknowledging the authentic 



OGC assumes no responsibility if you attend these trips. They are recommended by ourformer Greenleaf editor. All details can be found by visiting the respective websites. OGC hasno further information on these tours. a bus trip to RBG, Whistling Gardens, and Northland Nursery onThursday,