with Derissa Vincentini March 10 at 7:30 on Zoom Derissa Vincentini is the Community Science Coordinator and GIS Lead at the Invasive Species Centre, where she coordinates invasive species education and outreach initiatives, promoting community action to mitigate the spread of invasive species in Canada.  Join 
  • OGC’s Coffee Social Club
    Would you like to get out and socialize with some friendly fellow garden club members?   The Oshawa Garden Club has a “Coffee Social Club” that has been meeting for a few months now.  It offers weekly gatherings of small groups at two Tim Hortons 
  • Hellebores- Jewels of the Winter and Spring Gardens
    February 10th on Zoom at 7:30 pm
  • Membership Portal Alert
    It is not possible to pay for your membership (new or renewal) on line at this time. Due to circumstances beyond our control, the payment option is not active. We are very aware of the situation and keep trying to nudge the appropriate authorities into 
  • Welcome
    Whether you have a large gardens, small gardens, patio or balcony gardens, or even no garden at all; we welcome everyone whose curiosity, passion and love for such unique spaces which has led you to us. Our many activities and volunteer opportunities give our experts 
  • Want to Become a Member?
    There is plenty to do, much to see and many opportunities to join a community to grow together and thrive. Take a peek at the links below to learn more. New Member? – Oshawa Garden Club Giving Gardens Project – Oshawa Garden Club Become A 
  • Board of Directors for 2024-2025
  • About OGC
    The Oshawa Garden Club (OGC) was originally formed in 1910 as the Oshawa Horticultural Society. It was founded by a group of people interested in horticulture; flourishing for several years then disbanded, re-formed, and disbanded again. The club has now been operating continuously since February 
  • The Gardener’s Pledge
    I pledge, as a Garden Club Member, to faithfully protect from waste and destruction, the natural resources of our country; its flora, fauna, soil, water, air; and to respect human life and all living things sacred to the preservation of our environment.
  • Hearth Place Gardens Project
    Hearth Place is a cancer support centre in Oshawa that serves all of Durham Region. It receives no government funding and relies on donations from benefactors and fund raising initiatives. Every Friday morning from late April until the end of October, a dedicated group of 
  • New Land Acknowledgement
    The Garden Club recently adopted a new land acknowledgement pledge as part of the Gardener’spledge. The new land acknowledgement pledge is: I come with respect for this land that I am on today,and for the people who have and do reside here byacknowledging the authentic